Sustainable Financing

LAMDA Development considers sustainable financing essential for fulfilling its commitments. This approach emphasizes minimizing environmental harm, while enhancing the company's positive contributions to both the Environment and Society. 

Green Bond

Starting in 2022, the Group has developed and adopted the Green Bond Framework for issuing “green” bonds, aligning with the Green Bond Principles (GBP) set by the International Capital Market Association (ICMA). This Framework identifies the following categories as eligible for sustainable investments: 

Sustainable buildings and sustainable urban outdoor spaces
Green energy
Smart cities

In 2022, the Company successfully completed its first Green Common Bond Loan issuance, raising €230 million through a Public Offering. 

European Union Taxonomy

Understanding the significance of the European Taxonomy Regulation for environmentally sustainable economic activities, the Group is executing a targeted action plan. This plan aims to align several of its eligible economic activities with the regulation.